Sunday, March 31, 2024


[The Batman of Japan!]

Batman: The Return #1 - "Planet Gotham"
  • Batman unto mythology!
  • Back to the basics: primordial origin story glimpsed in ROBW #6. Back to a fusion of Frank Miller + the OG story.
  • The eyes of Bruce and the eyes of the Bat, judging... The symbol that resurrects!
  • Yemen!
  • Leviathan, Hussain... Farouk...
  • Crime vs Idea of Batman, a better idea!
  • Bruce changed after returning from the end of time, changed after being brought back from the dead...
  • Internet 3.0 announced by Wayne-Tech. Babs will be ghost in the machine.
  • Steph supposed to go to finishing school in England...
  • Bruce gets Lucius to use old GI Robots for Batman's war on crime, remote controlled, 1000+ units...
  • Mentions of next spring...
  • Batman jet-suits...
  • Farouk finances illegal meta-experiments. Corpses of dead meta-bodyguards; failed experiments, cannon fodder.
  • Big secret mystery project for client...
  • Dead whale carcass... a cradle
  • Traktir of the super-collective, Spidra...
  • Everybody killed by the Heretic... the Fatherless...
  • Heretic knows Damian, but the day will come when they will battle...
  • Damian and Dick will remain as B&R!
  • "She can't be happy..."
  • Bruce saw something in ROBW...
  • Tokyo to Argentina...
  • Selina! Steal a superweapon from supervillain...
  • Leviathan controlled Yemeni facility, they made Heretic.
  • Child brainwashing!
  • Who is Leviathan?
  • Damian planted a bug, Bruce heard the whole thing! GAME ON!
Batman Incorporated (Vol 1) #1 - "Mr. Unknown is Dead!"
  • Lord Death Man!
  • Kills Japanese crimefighter Mr. Unknown. Protege Jiro Osamu gets away.
  • Bruce and Selina nab mystery diamond thing from Sivana, but it's not a diamond...
  • Project X... superweapon safer with Batman...
  • American military trying to grab the diamond...
  • Shiny Happy Aquazon, Poseidon Crown Jewels.
  • Bruce saw the big picture...
  • Came to train Unknown, add to Batman INC. Worked out his secret identity.
  • Unknown was working on a case; murder of three john does...
  • Jiro was the body double, possibly the crimefighter while the one killed at the beginning was the former Unknown?
  • Daisuke, Misaki...
  • Selina and the squid!
Batman Incorporated (Vol 1) #2 - "Resurrector!"
  • What upgrade did Lord Death Man get besides the yoga technique?
  • The john does Unknown was investigating, three unknown men buried alive...
  • So Jiro was the acting Unknown while the OG did the 'Alfred' type stuff.
  • LDM's secret...
  • What will you do when Batman's enemies come after Bruce Wayne...
  • Jiro fakes death to become Batman Japan! Swear on the candle like Dick in Tec #38!
  • LDM shot up to satellite purgatory!
  • Of course Selina came for the jewels haha!
  • Long live Batman Japan!


[The Spyder's Web!]

Batman Incorporated (Vol 1) #3 - "Scorpion Tango"
Batman Incorporated (Vol 1) #4 - "The Kane Affair"
  • Yes Yes Yes!
  • Doctors come every day to visit Dedalus on his lighthouse prison. Same questions, same answers...
  • What has he started... who is the prey he's reeling in...
  • The perfect plan and the ring around the world... and Oroboro...
  • Dedalus controls everything, even the weather...
  • Kate Kane!
  • Johnny Valentine, three dead marines, ouroboros ring-keychain left behind at crime scene...
  • Kathy Kane's Kolossal Karnival...
  • Agent-33 is Santiago Vargas! Before becoming El Gaucho, he worked for Spyral, the same symbol we saw last issue in the Knight's hands.
  • Kathy Webb-Kane married to Bruce's uncle, Nathan Kane. She worked for intelligence agencies before...
  • Agent-Zero, leader of Spyral, Doctor Dedalus. He rebuilt the dept.
  • Kathy Kane wants to flirt with death now that she's a widow: similar theme to the Duende last issue, the spice of life in the face of the reaper, thrill-seeking adrenaline junkie nature of super-heroics.
  • The Curse of Kane, exemplified in ROBW #5. Nathan Kane was heir after his parents died, but he couldn't escape a stroke.
  • Ariadne's Sewing Machine, Mirrorrorrim, Plague Afternoon, Innana Unbound...
  • Actor (Mangrove?), rockstar, brilliant scientist (Carter?)...
  • She accepts the thrill of discovering Batman's secret identity!
  • In Casa D'Oro, Bats plans for them to stall until they can break through to free the kids.
  • Scorpiana reveals some info to duende up the trap: Gaucho is responsible for Kathy's death since he set her on Spyral's mission! Gaucho was also in love with her!
  • Kathy was murdered by Sensei's men back in Tec #485, she was involved with Batman as a part of her mission thereby causing her death.
  • Three dead marines, sniper killings, bullets intentionally placed to form braille letters (blind Borges!): Oscar + Roger + Bravo = ORB = three letters in Oroboro!
  • Who is Johnny V's boss?
  • In the ghost train, a woman dressed as Kathy Kane Batwoman!
  • Kathy Kane Batwoman was a psy-op on Bruce! Seems like she knows his secret identity...
  • Same panels from Batman #682!
  • Dick skeptical about the newfound Bat-Family of the 50's/60's, he recognizes her circus slang... so Bruce and Dick know she's Kathy Kane.
  • Kate's circus training -- which she uses to daredevil effect here, planning to "flirt with death until his bony heart breaks in two" -- was established in her very first appearance, Detective Comics #233, where her use of the terms "scratch-rider" and "trap-artist" give her away as a former circus performer; the terms are recognized by Dick Grayson, Robin, a former circus performer (and trapeze artist) himself.
  • Retelling of Batman #153! Same panels from #682 with the whole experience brought upon by hallucinatory chemicals! We see a soldier with an ouroboros emblem...
  • The two admit they love each other, but Batman calls her by her name...
  • Agent-Zero! Doctor Dedalus! Masterspy! Otto Netz! Spinner of Snares!
  • He's pissed her cover is blown and they still don't know Batman's secret identity, but Kathy threatens to reveal Agent-Zero's secret...
  • Bruce and Kathy dance the Tango Del Muerte! The final duende, the end of the relationship, the end of the thrill! The break-up sex! She gives him an excuse about getting too old. The Bat's heart is broken... AND SHE CALLS HIM BRUCE!
  • Who is the winning team...
  • Thread in the dark, Ariadne in the Labyrinth of Daedalus... Advanced Meta-Materials, Nazi scientists, British Super-spy The Hood...
  • Three marines killed by Argentinian crew, Johnny V was her lead.
  • Batwoman impersonator is recognized by Kate...
  • This is the biggest thing ever...
  • Oroboro = military codename for ultimate weapon...
  • Something in the south Atlantic, Argentinian prison of Dedalus...
  • Reopen the Kathy Kane murder case!
  • International incident, three countries into war (Britain, United States, Argentina?)
  • Gauntlets short circuited, heartrate monitors stopped, security disabled!
  • Dedalus on the shore with the three doctors I presume... vision of the future concluded like a muted orchestra only he can hear...
  • Snow means he is on his way, they are coming to free him...
  • The maestro! They are working for someone... Scorpiana leaves Sombrero behind.
  • Today it snows on cue!
Batman Incorporated (Vol 1) #5 - "Masterspy"
  • Otto Netz, Nazi Scientist, tasked by Hitler to find Oroboro, the 5th element. He who wields it will be master of the world. Special cane made by Hitler...
  • Netz finds it but is captured by the allies, intentionally...
  • Oroboro connected to King Arthur in England? Seven Soldiers stuff...
  • Netz used Hitler? Planned to exploit and betray the allies after war, goes into hiding to fight/learn from heroes and villains, to study them. He was his own "Batman", taking the name Doctor Dedalus from the Espartaco Extrano books. He learned how to break villains and heroes by learning their patterns.
  • Emerged from seclusion in Argentina to head Spyral.
  • Daddy 8-Legs & Sleipnir are great names.
  • Poisoned the doctor, but didn't? Alzheimers? False memories?
  • Ring around the world, hangman's noose...
  • Promise to deliver a paper with a --- ring to his daughter, Kathy Webb...
  • Brit Superspy The Hood! Sent by 'Matron.'
  • Batwoman joins him.
  • Three marine corps officers murdered en route to the island, the same three killed by the Argentine crew Batwoman was after last issue. 
  • UK and Argentina about to go to war. Secret of Oroboro with Netz, secret worth going to war over.
  • Remains of the containment of Netz we saw in #3.
  • Oroboro is a power source that could replace oil and nuclear energy...
  • Haha, Hood and Gaucho have racist beef!
  • When Hood tells Gaucho he'll "go down like the Bel--" before getting cut off, the end of his sentence is "the Belgrano," a ship shot down during the Falklands conflict that may or may not have already been retreating to Argentina.
  • Scorpiana trained the Batwoman we saw last issue in the Ghost Train! Kate recognized her as a Olympic gymnast who'd gone missing.
  • Three marines were deep black NATO operatives, killed and replaced before reaching the island: so whoever the three doctors are with Netz are infiltrators.
  • Netz calls him the Time Voyager!
  • Dead Iron Lady from #3.
  • Spyral shut down after Netz was imprisoned, covered by by claiming he died.
  • Hammer of Mr. Albion left behind after sacrifice of the Victory V's, Netz turned it into a meta bomb that will detonate, kill the heroes, and start WWIII between UK and Argentina.
  • The hammer was left by Mr. Albion after the confrontation with Dedalus in #3, and -- this is pure speculation -- may or may not be the seventh treasure left by the New Gods in Seven Soldiers, since all of the other six played pivotal roles in that narrative, unless the hammer the proto-Arthurian knight Bors used to split the atom and create the world's first nuclear explosion was that.
  • Doctor-impostor is a member of Leviathan! He succumbs to digitalis poison now...
  • Netz was never speaking, it was a recording!
  • Batplane blows the meta-bomb up.
  • Hood wasn't just sent to deal with Netz, but actually to infiltrate Batman Inc!
  • So Gaucho drove Kathy Kane to her death in Tec #485? It was another attempt to get Batman's identity or something?
  • Netz has Alzheimer's, the labyrinth was in his head: but the thing is...
  • The recording wasn't on the island, the Netz with them is a blind impostor, the head of the island prison turned crazy by Netz!
  • Netz is with Leviathan! Leviathan freed him from the island, possibly the events we saw last issue were the real Netz?
  • Everything was planned to lure the heroes into the web, Johnny V dropping the chain, the parrot saying Oroboro, Scorpiana's ring...
  • Ring around the Earth: Argentina, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, England, France...
  • I hope you're not repeating yourself Doctor... so Netz could still have Alzheimer's!?!?
  • Decipher the mystery of Oroboro... The ring on the paper in the projector again.
  • Child indoctrination in Africa, similar to what we saw as the end result in The Return issue.
  • The tracer could be the same one Damian left on Heretic in the Return special?
  • Batwing, David Zavimbe!

Sunday, March 24, 2024


[The Return Of Bruce Wayne Act III - "Batman & Robin MUST DIE!"]

Batman and Robin #14 - "The Triumph of Death"
  • Alfred sets the clock that leads to the Bat-cave to 10:47, the time the Waynes died...
  • Joker tells Damian that his real fight is with Doctor Hurt and the Black Glove.
  • There's nothing anyone can do to stop the dominoes from falling...
  • Poison nail-polish! He manipulated Damian into a locked room scenario! Brilliant!
  • Upside down crucifix of Pyg (just like how he dies in #666)
  • Goat in Gotham, black sheep Thomas Wayne, the Devil...
  • The rats, the bats!
  • Did Hurt create Pyg? He seemed to already be crazy before Hurt found him...
  • Hurt practicing his shot that we saw last issue on pumpkins! Brief bloom...
  • The better Batmobile blows up!
  • DAY 2!
  • Pyg is perfect, more than human...
  • Media, Mayor, Gotham underworld to witness Hurt and Pyg's performance...
  • More watermelon target practice!
  • Dick tells Alfred he misread the clues because he thought it had to do with himself, the domino mask of Robins...
  • Joker wants Dick and Damian to work with him!
  • Performance on Park Row, Crime Alley! The Monarch Theater!
  • Alfred prepped the Mansion and Cave per Dick's instructions...
  • Bat-copter!
  • Hurt turning Gotham into Babylon, everyone's a junkie!
  • Rats ate the young of the Goat because the Batmobile self-detonated?
  • Joker venom in the popcorn!
  • Gordon betrays Dick, junkie irrationality!
  • The real battle between Joker and Hurt! The knights have fallen, the board is Hurt's!
  • Joker always has a hand with the wild card! And a nuclear bomb!
Return of Bruce Wayne #5 - "Masquerade"
Batman and Robin #15 - "The Knight, Death, and The Devil"
Return of Bruce Wayne #6 - "The All-Over"
Batman and Robin #16 - "Black Mass"

Sunday, March 17, 2024



Return of Bruce Wayne #3 - "The Bones of Bristol Bay"
Batman #701 - "The Missing Chapter Part I: The Hole in Things"
  • Surviving is what Batman does, since the death of his parents.
  • Helicopter crashes, Hurt makes it out...
  • Weather charts, stock charts, constellation of Sagittarius...
  • 30 Days to Omega...
  • The hole, the gun, the pearls...
  • The next time you wear it will be the last...
  • Ellie! Now a receptionist at Wayne Tower!
  • Something gnawing inside, a doubt that stirred...
  • Hurt is not in the wreckage, a ghost, an empty space, hiding in the gaps, the absences...
  • Clock stop at 1:15, same time the helicopter crashed in the water...
  • RIP was the death of Batman, Final Crisis was the burial, and now we have his rebirth...
  • Sleep for three days...
  • Bruce knew of the hidden room in the manor! The hidden Bat-Cave accessed by Hurt when he took control of the Manor. How did Hurt know of its existence?
  • Why did Thomas and Martha tell Bruce never to enter the room?
  • Sickness at the root of the family tree...
  • Why did Hurt want to destroy the Waynes?
  • 27 days to Omega...
  • In Superman's world, everything is mythology...
  • They can deal with the false accusations, the masquerade bat costume is gone, Bruce leaves for the Final Crisis.
  • Bruce is struck with the heart of emptiness, the oblivion fallout from RIP, he needs the resurrection, the re-evaluation of the mission, he needs to become Batman again!
Batman #702 - "The Missing Chapter Part II: Batman's Last Case"
Batman and Robin #13 - "The Garden of Death"
Return of Bruce Wayne #4 - "Dark Knight, Dark Rider"
  • Van Derms are massacred by the twin enforcers of Vandal Savage and Black Thomas.
  • They take the casket and Catherine Van Derm.
  • The mother prays for a dark angel, Bruce Wayne answers!
  • Alan Wayne narration!
  • Savage wants to unlock the casket to activate the end of the world. His cancer hurts so bad since he can't die that the end would be a release?
  • Savage has a French gimmick now, but was betrayed by Napoleon Bonaparte! He always gets betrayed, like in #1 with the Neanderthals!
  • Midnight Horse, Injun mystic who can speak Miagani language.
  • Bat-people have secrets to turn the sky upside down...
  • They also think that within the casket is the key to immortality...
  • Black Thomas!
  • Tampering with the casket will destroy the contents inside.
  • Bells, the bells of Barbatos!
  • Statues beneath Wayne Manor, paintings of Darius and everyone...
  • Black Thomas was there in Dark Night, Dark City during the ritual to summon the Bat-God.
  • Drank the starry venom...
  • Dark god opens the box... bells summon another from the shadows who will bring the wicked to account...
  • Jerome Van Derm...
  • Black Thomas, Old Gambler...
  • All days seem like yesterday...
  • Vandal remembers Bruce from #1!
  • Summon the everlasting day...
  • Alan wanted to kill himself because of his father's projects with Pinkney, the architecture and building representing a garden of broken headstones that mocked the future. The dark architecture was something that brought wickedness to Gotham and Alan believed a house unfinished to be better than a house haunted.
  • Alan meets his future wife, Catherine.
  •  Bruce gives the white fawn necklace back to Catherine.
  • All the days of the world is one day and he must be strong for us all! Bruce experiences his jumps through time as one collective experience, one big tapestry woven by the Hyper-Adapter.
  • The Miagani whistle opens the casket!
  • Are you one too? Does Black Thomas see Bruce as a New God???
  • Alan Wayne feels that everything from that night was part of some grand design, the same way Jack Valor felt: they can feel the Ancestor Box, the Omega Sanction, time itself weaving myth around the return of Batman.
  • Kenneth Wayne born and Catherine dead in childbirth.
  • Black Thomas leaves on the SS Orion to go be Jack the Ripper I guess.
  • Catherine and Alan finish the Wayne Manor and he builds the Garden of Death as a beacon in time, a mark of the bat.
  • What is within the casket? Vacant grave, and something beyond...
  • Bruce time jump to 80's Gotham, but what is the book in his hand? Mordecai's journal? Alan Wayne's journal?
  • Hit by a car!
  • Broken Gotham, crime corruption & chaos!

Sunday, March 10, 2024



Batman and Robin #10 - "The Haunting of Wayne Manor"
  • Damian leads a board meeting to confront the financial irregularities in Wayne Enterprises.
  • Charity fund for railroad victims set up in Thomas Wayne's memory, donations have been on steady increase.
  • Finance bro Treadwell combative...
  • All of the prior Black Glove members have been killed except for Texan businessman.
  • Russian general who's neck got snapped found inside alligator.
  • Oberon Sexton thinks Domino Killer is targeting Bruce Wayne, trying to kill Black Glove members, believes that Wayne was member along with Jezebel Jet...
  • Dick, Damian, and Alfred do mystery hunting in abandoned Wayne Manor.
  • No power post Sombrero booby-traps.
  • JLA thinks Bats displaced by Darkseid Omega Effect, Tim thinks clues left in past.
  • Wayne Manor exists for over 200 years, cave system beneath in use since Stone Age.
    • Mordecai
    • Black Sheep Thomas
    • Darius
    • Joshua
    • Solomon
    • Alan
    • Kenneth
    • Patrick
    • Silas
    • Thomas
  • Black Thomas led devil worshippers in 1760's, bat demon of Miagani tribe, bloody bargains...
  • History of Gotham with Bat Gods, Bat Tribes, Bat Devils...
  • Mordecai = Bruce?
  • What is the book in Mordecai's hand...
  • Casket in Joshua's hands...
  • Constellation of Orion over burning ships, Orion over fire...
  • Could Bruce be in the present... changed...
  • El Penitente wanted Sexton to kill Dick Grayson...
  • Mexican Train, 99 Fiends, 3rd hierarchy...
  • Sweet Belial, Duke Zepar...
  • Mordecai portrait rediscovered in 1800's, doesn't fit with genealogy...
  • Joshua & Solomon were conductors on Underground railroad network...
  • Three roses, three stars on Orion's belt, symbols of the Hunter hang over the fireplace...
  • Talia machinations, she didn't even meet Damian until he was eight!?!?
  • Secret passage not on Wayne Manor layout, knight armor with rose + bat...
  • Damian new spine = motor control!?!
  • Talia's executioner...
  • Another secret Bat-Cave, candelabras, Batman symbol, writing of Barbatos and Thomas on walls...
  • Alfred discovers hidden Corpse Road in Wayne cemetery along with lost Garden of Death...
  • Damian and Oberon Sexton!
Return of Bruce Wayne #1 - "Shadow on Stone"
Batman and Robin #11 - "Boneyard"
  • Doctor Hurt is back!
  • So he took the guise of El Penitente to absolve himself from sin, a clean slate to commit more atrocity. Does Hurt believe in God? If he's the Devil... does he care?
  • Dark Twin, Double You, claim what is rightfully his...
  • Paint in secret Bat-Cave is new, within a year...
  • Secret rail-way, the Corpse Road! Same location in Joshua Wayne portrait...
  • 99 Fiends have come to the Wayne Cemetery.
  • Damian's new spine is remote controlled, Talia hires Deathstroke to pilot and kill Dick!
  • Stalactite in shape of Barbatos, devil bat of Miagani summoned by Black Thomas in 1765.
  • Energy source blocks out transmission to Alfred, some kind of light ahead...
  • Naeberius can sense Barbatos waking beneath the ground...
  • Alan Wayne's crypt, center piece of Garden of Death...
  • Domino found in Naeberius's lapel, Sexton thinks they were sent by the Killer.
  • Damian knows Sexton's accent is fake, thinks that he's the time displaced Bruce Wayne?!?!
  • Why did the Fiends come to Alan Wayne's crypt? Looking for something long buried...
  • Dick emerges, ravaged, we don't know why, but he has the same casket in the Joshua portrait!
Return of Bruce Wayne #2 - "Until the End of Time"
  • Leviathan dragon, sea monster...
  • Annie, necklace with symbols of Superman and Wonder Woman!
  • Vanishing Point! Archivists!
  • Omega Energy trail leads there, needle in a cosmic haystack, somewhere in Space B...
  • Infestation of Hyper-Fauna in the Vanishing Point, the Leviathan is the same...
  • Bruce takes the guise of Mordecai, the dead man in the water when he arrived...
  • Widow of Matthew Tyler, Tyler family/Hourman...
  • Flemish painter Van Derm...
  • Brother Malleus...
  • Annie lost parents over sea from Bristol Bay. Is she from England, a pilgrim? Then how did she get the necklace presumably made from the images in Anthro's cave paintings...
  • Martin Van Derm sketches Mordecai portrait. The book in hand is journal so he can record and remember.
  • Memory loss from Omega Sanction...
  • Eclipse of the Sun, Devil's false night-in-day. Old Dragon walks by night...
  • Mordecai was sent to kill Annie, she prayed for a savior, Bruce came along with the Dragon...
  • Hidden people, the Miagani, Bat people, Bat Tribe...
  • She worships Bright Gods, old lords of the land and sky, gods of the wheel of time and the never-ending world, and all the space beyond... New Gods!
  • Bruce wounds the Dragon, but something is happening...
  • The Archivist is Bruce! Traps the heroes in a force field, steals the Time-Sphere back to the 21st century!
  • Darkseid took his memories, relied on his will to survive, booby trapping him into a doomsday weapon to destroy the present!
  • Annie puts curse on Malleus/Nathaniel Wayne and the whole family!
  • Martin Van Derm keeps finished portrait and passes down book of Mordecai.
  • The Devil was not yet done with Gotham...
  • Bruce wakes up in Bristol Bay, burning ships...
  • Referred to as the Black Pirate by...
  • Blackbeard! (possibly Vandal Savage?)
Batman and Robin #12 - "Mexican Train"