Thursday, September 28, 2023

Adventures of Superman by Greg Rucka Reading Order

[Superman : Unconventional Warfare]

  • Adventures of Superman #627 - Battery, Part I : "Girls, Guns, & Replikons"
  • Adventures of Superman #628 - Battery, Part II : "You Use To Be A Reporter"
  • Superman Secret Files and Origins 2004 - "Suicide Watch"
  • Adventures of Superman #629 - Battery, Part III : "War-Zones"
  • Adventures of Superman #630 - Battery, Part IV : "Villain Interruptus"
  • Adventures of Superman #631 - Battery, Part V : "Casualty of War"
  • Adventures of Superman #632 - "Time Elapsed"

[Superman : That Healing Touch]

  • Adventures of Superman #633 - That Healing Touch, Part I : "Twin Parasites"
  • Adventures of Superman #634 - That Healing Touch, Part II : "Narrative Interruptus Secondus"
  • Adventures of Superman #635 - That Healing Touch, Part III : "Drained"

[Superman : Road To Ruin]

  • Adventures of Superman #636 - Road to Ruin, Part I : "Identity Compromised"
  • Adventures of Superman #637 - Road to Ruin, Part II : "Two Truths & A Lie"
  • Adventures of Superman #638 - Road to Ruin, Part III : "Narrative Interruptus Tertiarius"
  • Adventures of Superman #640 - Road to Ruin, Part IV : "Exposed"


  • Countdown To Infinite Crisis - "The Life & Death of Ted Kord"
  • The OMAC Project #1 - "The Eye In The Sky"
  • Superman #218 - "Power"
  • Adventures of Superman #641 - "Innocence"
  • The OMAC Project #2
     - "There Is No 'I' In Team"
  • The OMAC Project #3
     - "The M-E In Team"
  • Wonder Woman #218 - "The Calm"
  • Superman #219
     - Sacrifice, Part I  : "Touch"
  • Action Comics #829
    Sacrifice, Part II : "End of Identity
  • Adventures of Superman #642
    Sacrifice, Part III : "
  • Wonder Woman #219
    Sacrifice, Part IV : "Tygers & Lambs
  • The OMAC Project #4
     - "The King Is Dead..."
  • Wonder Woman #220
     - "Affirmative Defense"
  • Adventures of Superman #643
     - "Fragmentation"
  • The OMAC Project #5 - "Long Live The King!"
  • The OMAC Project #6 - "Loss of Signal"
  • Wonder Woman #221 - "Pride of The Amazons"
  • Adventures of Superman #644
     - "Blame & Remorse"
  • Adventures of Superman #645
     - "Breaking Point"


  • Adventures of Superman #646
     - Rack & Ruin, Part I : "Take Me Home"
  • Adventures of Superman #647
     - Rack & Ruin Part II : "Speeding Bullets"
  • Adventures of Superman #648
     - "Look... Up In The Sky!"

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Ultimates #7-12 Annotated

[Two Cities, Two Worlds]

Ultimates #7 - "The Flower Reaps, The Hammer Yields"
  • Falcon, Fury, Widow, and Hawkeye arrive in Tian.
  • Earlier, they plan to acquire the Celestials and Eternals as allies in the war against the COT.
  • We get a recap of the Hawkeye mini: SEAR creates a virus to eliminate mutants, then create their own serum to build metas. The metas rebel and take over the country in a month.
  • When they meet with Xorn and Zorn, Zorn doesn't want to get involved, but Xorn tells his oracle to peacefully reach out to the City.
  • Maker, Children, and City respond by hijacking the frequency and issuing a warning to Tian; they are coming.
  • In the Himalayas, Agent Flumm brings the Hulk back into the fray by threatening him with the torture of Betty Ross.
  • Hulk attacks the City.
Ultimates #8 - "Let's Talk About It"
  • Hulk is smashing up the City. Maker confronts him.
  • Xorn lays Oracle to rest. Zorn leads the Eternals to attack the City.
  • POTUS is granted power over SHIELD and prepares to speak to the senate/house.
  • Spider-woman and Jamie chill in the Triskelion until it's taken over by SHIELD.
  • Tony and Thor are ambushed at Stark Tower.
  • Maker bargains with the Hulk.
  • President speaks to the government.
  • Maker reveals that the US Gov is tricking Hulk.
  • President reveals that although one nuke did not work against the City, they have now launched all the nukes!
Ultimates #9 - "All-Consuming"
  • Fury, Hawkeye, and Widow depart Tian to watch the battle between Eternals and the COT.
  • Marvin Flumm and the agents of SHIELD send unconscious Jamie and Spider-Woman to the Cube as they take over the Triskelion.
  • Thor and Tony take out the attacking SHIELD forces, and learn of what POTUS has done. However, Tony starts bleeding...
  • The COT gain the upper hand over the Eternals, but Zorn takes off his mask and turns into a Black Hole, wreaking havoc onto the City.
  • POTUS explains to Congress that what's done is done, the attack had to happen. The nukes and the singularity turn the City into a nuclear wasteland.
  • As Maker and the COT assess the damage, Maker gets a young COT and anoints him with a name: Death. Death is sent with an anti-matter bomb to the middle of the Congressional Assembly, and detonates, wiping out everybody.
Ultimates #10 - "Invincible Under The Sun"
  • After the blast, War Machine picks up the secretary of energy as the designated survivor to become the new potus.
  • Wreckage is assessed by SHIELD. Flumm tries to locate Nick.
  • Fury, Falcon, Hawkeye, and Widow escape from a Heli-Carrier trying to bring them in. Nick splits off from the rest.
  • Tony is having hallucinations of a young boy. He has a plan to deal with Reed involving him, Thor, and one other person. But first, he needs to see a doctor.
  • Flumm locates Hawkeye, Falcon, and Widow.
  • Tony gets a check up diagnostic from Invisible Woman. He tells her that Reed is alive, and blew up DC.
  • Reed evolves the City once more to finish off their enemies.
  • In the ruins of Asgard, a hand emerges with Mjolnir from Yggdrasil.
Ultimates #11 - "Long May It Reign"
  • Tony calls Carol Danvers, telling her to come to washington. He needs her to access the president.
  • Tony and Thor in the meantime dispatch a number of SHIELD agents trying to take them down.
  • Widow, Falcon, and Hawkeye arrive at the West Coast Avengers Facility (Wackos). We meet Hugo; he has a bunch of people in tubes.
  • Flumm talks to POTUS, and the prez thinks it's stupid how many resources they're divulging to go after the Ultimates instead of dealing with the real threats.
  • Kratos Club comes to the new independent Texas with solid gold.
  • Tony talks to the invisible little boy only he can see. They surrender to SHIELD forces in order to have a meeting with POTUS.
  • Widow and the gang get ambushed by a squad of Giant-Men.
  • Tony and Thor meet with POTUS and propose a plan to deal with Maker and the COT. A little robot iron man starts moving (controlled by the invisible kid?). Don't worry, it's somehow all part of the plan.
  • Widow and the gang beat the giant-men, but are still captured by SHIELD.
  • POTUS has a call with Maker, revealing that he does not want war with The City, and will turn over Stark as part of some kind of treaty.
  • Stark is given up to the COT, and left face to face with The Maker.
  • 1 more to go!
Ultimates #12 - "Quorum"
  • Glad we get a conclusion to some of the main stuff, although I'm not too mad about the less interesting plot points left over for Humphries to take on.
  • Tony is revealed to have a sentient brain tumor; that tumor is sentient and has techkinesis. "Anthony" goes and talks to The City, convincing it to give up Reed Richards as the leader since he's made some choices that inhibit the COT and regress it for his control.
  • Anthony builds a Iron-Man mech while Richards injects Hulk with giant-man serum. Big kaiju fight. Thor and Sue Richards come in to finish them both off.
  • That's all I really care about haha.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Ultimate Hawkeye #1-4 + Ultimates #5-6 Annotated

[A Tale Of Two Cities]

Ultimate Hawkeye #1 - "I Don't Miss"
  • Not a fun read! Boring!
  • We get Hawkeye's perspective of the stuff going down in the SEAR.
  • They made a virus to inhibit the X-Gene as well as a serum to build their own supers.
  • Hawleye fights them.
  • Nick Fury wants him to get the serum. 
Ultimate Hawkeye #2 - "Boogeyman"
  • Hawkeye origin.
  • SEAR supes end up taking over, they declare that SEAR is now called Tu'an.
  • Fury sends Jean Grey/Karen Grant and Ultimate X along with Hulk to join Clint.
Ultimate Hawkeye #3 - "The Sun Is Setting"
  • Tu'an is a floating city.
  • Hawkeye leads Ultimate X to get the Serum while Hulk smashes shit.
  • The gang meets a uber powerful super-human who shows them the serum, called the Source, as a huge green lake. He says there's more than enough.
  • Hulk gets his ass beat by this universe's version of Xorn!
Ultimate Hawkeye #4 - "Celestial & Eternal"
  • So we get the ultimate celestials, eternals, and deviants!
  • Xorn leads the celestials, Zorn leads the eternals. Starheart and Singularity. Twin superpowers.
  • Hulk gets yoinked to tibet and meets an old friend.
  • Ultimate X stays behind.
  • Tu'an opens its doors to anyone who wants to join.
  • Hawkeye delivers the serum back to fury.

[The World]

Ultimates #5 - "Let The Bloodletting Begin"
  • Nick mees with the president.
  • Tony stark watches economic chaos in the American stock market, while the Kratos Club profits. He wants revenge for using his tech to kill thousands of people.
  • Nick Fury leaves a dossier in Spider-woman's apartment about the new Spider-man, miles morales.
  • Clint briefs the pentagon about the Tian stuff from the Hawkeye mini. The mutants who deserted shield are called the runaways.
  • Thor has dinner with Jane while the ghosts of his fallen friends sit with him as well.
  • Fury sends Falcon to sneak into the city to gather recon.
  • Fury meets with Cap in the desert of New Mexico. American needs its captain.
Ultimates #6 - "Rewrite The Rules"
  • Fury wants Steve as a symbol, to denounce the President. Steve declines Fury's offer.
  • Tony meets with the Kratos Club. They dunk on him.
  • Jamie talks to his comatose brother and then yells at his dad.
  • Falcon makes his way through the city, but is caught by Maker. Maker reveals that his brain has been augmented to keep up with the children of tomorrow. He tells Falcon that there is no win against the Children, and gives free reign over the city to Falcon if he can explain the coming extinction.
  • Clint and Fury make a new plan to beat the Children; teaming up with the metas from Tian.
  • Black Widow serenades her kid.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Ultimates #1-4 Annotated

[The Republic is Burning]

Ultimates #1 - "That One Thing You Don't See Coming"
  • In northern Germany, Reed Richards and the Children of Tomorrow engage the Dome. Here they can build...
  • Nick Fury's morning is met with three fronts of battle. This is a segway from that sequence in #5 of Ultimate Fallout.
  • Above Europe, Asgard descends, and apparently some of the Asgardians stole a shit ton of beer. In retaliation, the EUSS employs the Excalibur super soldiers led by Captain Britain Jamie Braddock.
  • So SEAR is Southeast Asian Republic, good to know. Bangkok is in flames, but Hawkeye is on the way to deal with it.
  • Uruguay/Argentine war is exploding: Argentine fleet is approaching Montevideo. Security council asks SHIELD to deal with it, so a task force led by Iron Man prepares to defuse the conflict.
  • However, Tony is in Tokyo partying, and his new assistant William tries to pull him out. Tony keeps calling him Jarvis, what a douche. Tony plugs in remotely into his armor, leading the rocketmen against the Argentine fleet.
  • Braddock and his gang storm Asgard in the middle of a feast, and declines a drink from Thor, pouring it out. Of course, he gets bitch slapped. Fury sends a group of Giant-Men to break up the fight.
  • Iron Man enters one of the battleships only to find that it's completely empty...
  • Braddock punches Thor out of Asgard, and he lands right in front of the Dome in Germany.
  • Hawkeye talks to Nick, who tells him that the POTUS wants them to help SEAR in peacekeeping efforts. They deploy a Heli-carrier from the SEAR Triskelion.
  • They suddenly lose contact with Hawkeye and the Heli-carrier; apparently the SEAR Triskelion is under attack. Fury sends an attack group out of Okinawa.
  • Stark tells Fury about the ghost ship and breaks off shielding to find out what's up with the controls, only to discover a stark industries nuke ready to blow. The bomb goes off, and Tony is knocked unconscious from the feedback to his remote control.
  • One of the Excalibur super-soldiers touches the outside edge of the Dome and is yanked in. We see that there is a bunch of crazy sci-fi shit going on with the COT, mechs and ships and wings and crap.
  • Everything has gone wrong. Where is Cap when you need him?
  • Black Widow, Spider-Woman, and the Hulk protocol on the back burner, but Fury doesn't know what to do...
Ultimates #2 - "Last Day of Legend"
  • A new Ragnarök!
  • In literally five minutes, the Dome closes and a thousand years pass within...
  • Artificial children, collective hive minds, numeric designation naming conventions!
  • The City gains sentience and a desire to expand.
  • Reed now calls himself The Maker, and the First Speaker leads Tomorrow's Children against Thor and the Super-Soldiers.
  • Tony is revived by William, activating a spare Iron Man suit.
  • The COT analyze the super-soldiers as they fight, seeing that Thor is different.
  • Giant Men are on the way as SHIELD still can't reach Hawkeye. Nick Fury makes contact with Tony, who believes the Kratos Club is behind the nuke detonation. Fury tells him to go to Germany.
  • The COT analyze Thor, and Maker explains that he remembers him. COT discover that his god-energy is linked to Asgard, and Maker unleashes them to destroy the city.
  • Braddock and super-soldiers leave to warn the world, while Captain France and Thor go to stop the invasion.
  • Gods are getting killed left and right, so Thor takes his son Modi, gives him Mjolnir, and puts him in the room without doors. Odin is killed, but Loki and Thor fight on as Yggdrasil is destroyed. Loki dies too.
  • Tony catches Thor, and the COT continue their genocide on the Asgardians.
Ultimates #3 - "There's No Win Here"
  • Tony builds Thor a new suit and a new hammer that can teleport.
  • One week after the fall of asgard, shit looks pretty dire. The excalibur supes have failed, and the giant men as well. The City overtakes a good part of Germany.
  • It's a big fight in the sky against the COT.
  • Nothing works out. Not even nukes.
  • They escape after losing a couple of heli-carriers.
  • Thor tells Tony his vengeance must be had, and goes alone to take on the COT.
Ultimates #4 - "The Man Behind The Mask"
  • Thor attacks the City and discovers its genetic experimentation to artificially grow children.
  • He frees Jamie Braddock, but is then ambushed by Maker and his rook, the Knife. Knife messes Thor up pretty bad.
  • Maker lets him live, but reveals his true face as a warning. The City has reached current potential and will stop expanding, so long as the Republic and its heroes do not intervene.
  • Thor is pissed, but communion with the spirits of his father and friends get him back on track, Thor has all of Valhalla in him now, he is the remnant of Asgard.
  • "Do you lack faith brother... or do you believe?"
  • Thor comes back to the Heli-carrier and tells everybody what happened, revealing that the Maker is in fact Reed Richards!

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Ultimate Fallout by Bendis/Hickman Annotated

[Spider-Man No More]

Ultimate Fallout #1 - "Spider-Man RIP"
  • Mourning!
  • Grief!
  • Sadness!
  • Funeral where the whole city attends. Tony takes Aunt May and Gwen.
  • May meets the little girl Peter saved from a fire. They hug.
  • When they enter the cathedral, Steve Rodgers extends his condolences to the girls, while admitting that he is the one who caused Peter's death.
Ultimate Fallout #2 - "How The World Killed Spider-Man"
  • Steve confesses to May his error in rejecting Peter as well as the fact that the bullet that hit him was meant for Cap.
  • May slaps him an breaks down outside the church.
  • Jameson helps her up, and they go back into the ceremony.
  • The Thor segment was wonderful. I loved Hickman's Thor mini, and this seems like a spiritual sequel to that Ultimates prequel.
  • Thor has a vision during the ceremony, claiming that Asgard will one day return with Odin, and that within Valhalla are the warriors who gave their lives for the greater good.
  • We see Peter, Janet, Hank, Scott, and Wolverine feasting in the halls of Valhalla.
  • Very touching.
  • The Rogue stuff, I did not care for.
  • Mary Jane types up an article: How the World killed Spider-Man.
Ultimate Fallout #3 - "Moving Forward"
  • Tony recalls meeting with a dude named Jonathan Blackhaven at his brother's funeral.
  • He is invited to Blackhaven's home in Zurich where he meets a group his brother was part of: The Kratos Club.
  • Members include Valentina Allegra, discount winklevoss twins named Miroslav and Dieter Buchwald, Ming Xiang, and a 21-year-old billionaire named Damon Dunn.
  • They want to play new world order and control the world. Tony thinks on it.
  • Kitty Pride is pissed and angry at the world for its perceived hypocrisy.
  • She finds Bobby Drake and Johnny Storm, inviting them to a supposed safe haven where they can escape the government if they don't use their powers...
  • Jean Grey/Karen Grant pacifies Bruce Banner in his Hulk state, winning the favor of Nick Fury, who allows her and her friends protection if she can continue pacifying the Hulk.
Ultimate Fallout #4 - "New Kids on the Block"
  • A new spider-man is on the scene, taking out some punk dreg named Kangaroo.
  • Is this the first appearance of Miles Morales!?!?!
  • The Reed sequence was fantastic.
  • Your boy makes it out of the Negative Zone. Nice enough recap of Ultimate Enemy. Don't care at all to read that.
  • He builds something called the Dome, enlisting a group of people called the Children of Tomorrow for his experiment of survival of the fittest...
  • The Veronica Cooper stuff was absolute cheeks. I guess the world is about to find out the US gov created mutants. Don't care.
Ultimate Fallout #5 - "The Art of the Deal"
  • Worst issue so far.
  • Don't give a crap about Pietro's machinations. He wants to sell mutants as slaves.
  • Fury is under the gun.
  • War between Uruguay and Argentina.
  • Asgard descends over the United Kingdom. The EUSS reactivates, prepping Captain Britain soldiers commanded by Jamie Braddock.
  • The SEAR group is making meta-humans as well. No idea what they are about, but Fury sends Hawkeye to figure it out.
  • Fury meets with Jasper Sitwell from the White House. They cut Fury's budget by 30%. He's pissed. Everyone's screwed.
  • Pietro bangs Devon, but she turns into Scarlet Witch. Wanda tells him to go to Egypt.
  • He was imagining it all! Or was he...
Ultimate Fallout #6 - "The Blame"
  • May and Gwen take up Tony's offer, and decide to move to France.
  • Kitty, Bobby, and Johnny move into the Morlock tunnels.
  • Captain America quits, leaving his shield in the Triskelion with Nick Fury.
  • Nick Fury visits Mary Jane. She's finished her manuscript for how the world killed Spider-Man.
  • He reveals that he knew Peter's parents, and that he loved him. He tells Mary Jane that she's right to blame him. Nerds cry.