Sunday, March 10, 2024



Batman and Robin #10 - "The Haunting of Wayne Manor"
  • Damian leads a board meeting to confront the financial irregularities in Wayne Enterprises.
  • Charity fund for railroad victims set up in Thomas Wayne's memory, donations have been on steady increase.
  • Finance bro Treadwell combative...
  • All of the prior Black Glove members have been killed except for Texan businessman.
  • Russian general who's neck got snapped found inside alligator.
  • Oberon Sexton thinks Domino Killer is targeting Bruce Wayne, trying to kill Black Glove members, believes that Wayne was member along with Jezebel Jet...
  • Dick, Damian, and Alfred do mystery hunting in abandoned Wayne Manor.
  • No power post Sombrero booby-traps.
  • JLA thinks Bats displaced by Darkseid Omega Effect, Tim thinks clues left in past.
  • Wayne Manor exists for over 200 years, cave system beneath in use since Stone Age.
    • Mordecai
    • Black Sheep Thomas
    • Darius
    • Joshua
    • Solomon
    • Alan
    • Kenneth
    • Patrick
    • Silas
    • Thomas
  • Black Thomas led devil worshippers in 1760's, bat demon of Miagani tribe, bloody bargains...
  • History of Gotham with Bat Gods, Bat Tribes, Bat Devils...
  • Mordecai = Bruce?
  • What is the book in Mordecai's hand...
  • Casket in Joshua's hands...
  • Constellation of Orion over burning ships, Orion over fire...
  • Could Bruce be in the present... changed...
  • El Penitente wanted Sexton to kill Dick Grayson...
  • Mexican Train, 99 Fiends, 3rd hierarchy...
  • Sweet Belial, Duke Zepar...
  • Mordecai portrait rediscovered in 1800's, doesn't fit with genealogy...
  • Joshua & Solomon were conductors on Underground railroad network...
  • Three roses, three stars on Orion's belt, symbols of the Hunter hang over the fireplace...
  • Talia machinations, she didn't even meet Damian until he was eight!?!?
  • Secret passage not on Wayne Manor layout, knight armor with rose + bat...
  • Damian new spine = motor control!?!
  • Talia's executioner...
  • Another secret Bat-Cave, candelabras, Batman symbol, writing of Barbatos and Thomas on walls...
  • Alfred discovers hidden Corpse Road in Wayne cemetery along with lost Garden of Death...
  • Damian and Oberon Sexton!
Return of Bruce Wayne #1 - "Shadow on Stone"
Batman and Robin #11 - "Boneyard"
  • Doctor Hurt is back!
  • So he took the guise of El Penitente to absolve himself from sin, a clean slate to commit more atrocity. Does Hurt believe in God? If he's the Devil... does he care?
  • Dark Twin, Double You, claim what is rightfully his...
  • Paint in secret Bat-Cave is new, within a year...
  • Secret rail-way, the Corpse Road! Same location in Joshua Wayne portrait...
  • 99 Fiends have come to the Wayne Cemetery.
  • Damian's new spine is remote controlled, Talia hires Deathstroke to pilot and kill Dick!
  • Stalactite in shape of Barbatos, devil bat of Miagani summoned by Black Thomas in 1765.
  • Energy source blocks out transmission to Alfred, some kind of light ahead...
  • Naeberius can sense Barbatos waking beneath the ground...
  • Alan Wayne's crypt, center piece of Garden of Death...
  • Domino found in Naeberius's lapel, Sexton thinks they were sent by the Killer.
  • Damian knows Sexton's accent is fake, thinks that he's the time displaced Bruce Wayne?!?!
  • Why did the Fiends come to Alan Wayne's crypt? Looking for something long buried...
  • Dick emerges, ravaged, we don't know why, but he has the same casket in the Joshua portrait!
Return of Bruce Wayne #2 - "Until the End of Time"
  • Leviathan dragon, sea monster...
  • Annie, necklace with symbols of Superman and Wonder Woman!
  • Vanishing Point! Archivists!
  • Omega Energy trail leads there, needle in a cosmic haystack, somewhere in Space B...
  • Infestation of Hyper-Fauna in the Vanishing Point, the Leviathan is the same...
  • Bruce takes the guise of Mordecai, the dead man in the water when he arrived...
  • Widow of Matthew Tyler, Tyler family/Hourman...
  • Flemish painter Van Derm...
  • Brother Malleus...
  • Annie lost parents over sea from Bristol Bay. Is she from England, a pilgrim? Then how did she get the necklace presumably made from the images in Anthro's cave paintings...
  • Martin Van Derm sketches Mordecai portrait. The book in hand is journal so he can record and remember.
  • Memory loss from Omega Sanction...
  • Eclipse of the Sun, Devil's false night-in-day. Old Dragon walks by night...
  • Mordecai was sent to kill Annie, she prayed for a savior, Bruce came along with the Dragon...
  • Hidden people, the Miagani, Bat people, Bat Tribe...
  • She worships Bright Gods, old lords of the land and sky, gods of the wheel of time and the never-ending world, and all the space beyond... New Gods!
  • Bruce wounds the Dragon, but something is happening...
  • The Archivist is Bruce! Traps the heroes in a force field, steals the Time-Sphere back to the 21st century!
  • Darkseid took his memories, relied on his will to survive, booby trapping him into a doomsday weapon to destroy the present!
  • Annie puts curse on Malleus/Nathaniel Wayne and the whole family!
  • Martin Van Derm keeps finished portrait and passes down book of Mordecai.
  • The Devil was not yet done with Gotham...
  • Bruce wakes up in Bristol Bay, burning ships...
  • Referred to as the Black Pirate by...
  • Blackbeard! (possibly Vandal Savage?)
Batman and Robin #12 - "Mexican Train"

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