Sunday, March 24, 2024


[The Return Of Bruce Wayne Act III - "Batman & Robin MUST DIE!"]

Batman and Robin #14 - "The Triumph of Death"
  • Alfred sets the clock that leads to the Bat-cave to 10:47, the time the Waynes died...
  • Joker tells Damian that his real fight is with Doctor Hurt and the Black Glove.
  • There's nothing anyone can do to stop the dominoes from falling...
  • Poison nail-polish! He manipulated Damian into a locked room scenario! Brilliant!
  • Upside down crucifix of Pyg (just like how he dies in #666)
  • Goat in Gotham, black sheep Thomas Wayne, the Devil...
  • The rats, the bats!
  • Did Hurt create Pyg? He seemed to already be crazy before Hurt found him...
  • Hurt practicing his shot that we saw last issue on pumpkins! Brief bloom...
  • The better Batmobile blows up!
  • DAY 2!
  • Pyg is perfect, more than human...
  • Media, Mayor, Gotham underworld to witness Hurt and Pyg's performance...
  • More watermelon target practice!
  • Dick tells Alfred he misread the clues because he thought it had to do with himself, the domino mask of Robins...
  • Joker wants Dick and Damian to work with him!
  • Performance on Park Row, Crime Alley! The Monarch Theater!
  • Alfred prepped the Mansion and Cave per Dick's instructions...
  • Bat-copter!
  • Hurt turning Gotham into Babylon, everyone's a junkie!
  • Rats ate the young of the Goat because the Batmobile self-detonated?
  • Joker venom in the popcorn!
  • Gordon betrays Dick, junkie irrationality!
  • The real battle between Joker and Hurt! The knights have fallen, the board is Hurt's!
  • Joker always has a hand with the wild card! And a nuclear bomb!
Return of Bruce Wayne #5 - "Masquerade"
Batman and Robin #15 - "The Knight, Death, and The Devil"
Return of Bruce Wayne #6 - "The All-Over"
Batman and Robin #16 - "Black Mass"

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