Sunday, July 31, 2022

Superman Ending Battle + Lost Hearts Review


Superman : Ending Battle
  • Superman #186 - "Morning Twilight" = This was fine. Not a great opener, but it sufficed I guess. The art brought it way down for me, the colors were terrible, and that kind of digital ink/color just isn't for me. Master Jailer and Neutron were cool, but I didn't get a lot out of it.
  • Adventures of Superman #608 - "Dawn's Early Light" = I have to admit, this chapter was a step up. The art was a smidge better, and Joe Casey did a great job with the framing device of the senator's interview. The d-listers were all great (even a couple I never even heard of) and some of the targets were very diverse. I already know Manchester is involved, but still hyped to see how this plays out.
  • Superman: The Man of Steel #130 - "In The Dark of The Noon Day Sun" = Oh my god the art is killing me! One of the small enjoyments I get out of this is seeing where the city of metropolis is at this moment in DC continuity, as well as what characters are doing. The appearance of Terra man is fascinating since he has a whole suit of armor here, and post 52 will return to silver age look just to get torn in half by Black Adam. Evil Star looks like vomit, and the inks on the art also look like vomit. Lois Lane's monologue has some merits, but it gets a little tiresome towards the back-half of the chapter. Last note; what did they do to Steel's helmet?
  • Action Comics #795 - "The Thirteenth Hour" = Art was better, Lex interaction was fine. Not much to say, but this isn't as good as I hope. I'm not sure why, but for some reason I'm just not enjoying this as much as I wish I was.
  • Superman #187 - "After School Special" = The pacing for this story is something else. I'm not sure if it's because I've been binging the whole storyline, but the formula is getting a little repetitive, even if the timeframe justifies the chaos (it's all happening over the course of one day?). I'm sorry guys, this art is making it real hard for me to engage with the story. Mxy posts up out of nowhere and then vanishes, lol so random. The only merit I can give is that this is making me as crazy as Superman is probably feeling, so moving forward into this next half I'm going to try to apply that perspective as much as possible.
  • Adventures of Superman #609 - "Rush Hour" = The art was great in this one! Superman vs the Marvel universe I guess? I think it's funny how they set up Metallo in the last cliffhanger and Supes just smashes him to pieces in the opening. The use of the senator is interesting but if you take a step back and look at the environment of the DCU, you can render his argument inert pretty easily. The cat's out of the bag y'all, Neanderthals can't just sit around and complain while homo-sapiens go out and do better stuff. Opti-humans and super-humanity/meta-gene is just the next step in evolution, and super-hero vs super-criminal is just the next step of the power struggle between good and evil. You can't eradicate evil, so you just have to start fighting it in bigger and better ways. Humans in the DCU can't sit back and expect to go backwards, the future is here, deal with it. Batman/Lex Luthor and Orchis from HiX-Men are probably the best representations of this, except the Nimrod/Phalanx stuff in the MU is on a whole different level. As for humans becoming obsolete, good and good can still coexist, but the class warfare is where it starts to get messy I guess. But you can't eradicate inequality either, which blows because super-humans are just inherently better. But adaptation is adaptation and nature does it all the time sooooooo...
  • Superman: The Man of Steel #131 - "Nightfall" = I can't lie, the Manchester Black vs Lois sequence was great. Those last couple pages were great. The art was a little stuffy, but the final battle with Supes using Neutron as a nuke was dope. It's interesting to see Supes more confident and headstrong since he feels a false sense of control knowing everyone is safe in the vault, but the fact that Lois got out makes it painful to watch Supes toy with Mongul and Master Jailer. There's a lot of hype about this final chapter, let's see if it lives up to the rep.
  • Action Comics #796 - "The Last Super-Villain" = Wow. Joe Kelly saved it... or maybe all of the buildup was in prep for this? I don't know, but what I do know is that this was great. I loved this so much that I'm contemplating my love for Action #775 because this might be better. And that fight vision sequence was awesome.
Superman : Lost Hearts
  • Superman #189 - "Lost" = This first issue was a mixed bag. The art wasn't good in the first half, especially the inking and the colors. I liked the Power Girl hinting and the fight with Mr. 104, but the dialogue just seemed clunky. However, when Clark and Bruce converse in the second half of the issue, the art/coloring had a significant improvement. The ambience was very fitting, even if the interaction between the two heroes made no sense in the context of that DCU. Why are Batman and Supes at odds? I wonder if it has to do with Hush, or Murderer/Fugitive, but since Obsidian Age it doesn't seem like they should have any beef. Final note: I had no idea this was the first appearance of Traci 13!
  • Adventures of Superman #611 - "Heartbroken" = Very interesting look into poverty and the never-ending ouroboros of the drug epidemic through the lens of Superman. Traci and her iguana are cool, the heartbreakers are placeholders to make the story more interesting than just Supes vs Drugs. I'm not sure how Lana is so messed up, maybe uber-drugged or the heartbreaker got her extremely susceptible. The art is fine, but the dialogue was a little clunky. I'm starting to see that Joe Kelly can get a little hit or miss depending on the scenario; the first couple pages were rough, as he was trying to imitate some kind of ebonic/slang dialect.
  • Superman: Man of Steel #133 - "Giving In" = Jesus christ what the heck is going on in this story. Clark gets Superman III'd by the heartbreakers and goes edgy, Lana is zooted to infinity, and Traci's iguana turns into a kaiju. I'm not sure if it's trying too hard or if I just really don't like this kind of story where the heroes get corrupted. The art is pretty good by Tom Derenick, but it barely saves the script. That last page was a major facepalm moment, and I feel second-hand embarrassment reading this storyline. One more to go, let's see if Kelly can salvage this.
  • Action Comics #798 - "Heartsong" = Lukewarm, bittersweet, whatever you want to call it. I will have to admit that Kelly did cobble something wholesome for the end. It's a bit of a nothing-burger besides the intro of Traci Thirteen and the Power Girl sequence. In retrospect, this storyline appears to have been an attempt by Johns and Kelly to exorcise the Lana/Clark relationship and move on in some fashion. I don't think they did it in the cleanest way, but the back-half epilogue was solid enough for it to be passable. The first kiss scene was a little too sexualized, the Christ-pose floating was very meh, but Kelly throws in a couple powerful lines of dialogue to tie everything together.

Friday, July 29, 2022

JLA by Joe Kelly #61-76 Review

Golden Perfect & The Destroyers
  • JLA #61 - "Two-Minute Warning" = I didn't enjoy this first chapter as much as I wanted to, and that definitely turned me off a little about the tone of the series.
  • However, Golden Perfect was a fantastic arc and acted as a great primer for my getting used to Kelly's writing. The pacing was excellent, Mahnke's art is stunning, and Joe Kelly's dialogue set in way too well. The moral quandaries between Diana and Rama Khan paired with the bonkers universal physics turning the league topsy turvy was so fun.
  • JLA #65 - "Bouncing Baby Boy" = was an awesome piece on Plastic Man, and the first appearance of his son Luke outside of the Kingdom Come universe. The sensitive interior side of O'Brien was very well presented, and his back & forth with Bats made this issue work.
  • The Destroyers arc was awesome; the team dynamic is very enjoyable, Flash and GL + Bats & Plas are the standouts. It seems like Kelly has some Supes fatigue and saves the best moments for when he's writing action, since he hasn't had any memorable moments as of yet. Wonder Woman is always utilized well and Kelly does a great job of making her a badass with agency. The threat of Manitou Raven and Tezumak is presented in a big bad way, and I'm super excited to get into Obsidian Age.
JLA : Obsidian Age 
  • JLA #68 - The Obsidian Age, Prelude : "Stillborn Atlantis" = time travel mumbo jumbo, I'm all for it! Garth casting the spell during worlds at war created a new history for Atlantis, one where instead of it sinking to the bottom of the sea, ancient magic concealed it with the artificial trench. When Tezumak and manitou used the old magic of the spell to send them back into the past, they revealed the ancient Atlantis and undid the mirage.
  • JLA #69 - The Obsidian Age, Part I : "New Blood" = Oh my god: new blood was one of the best JLA stories I've ever read. So ironic that I'm reading this as dark crisis is coming out with their bummy rehash. The lineup is pretty great, except for major disaster and the faith chick (who I'm sure I will learn more about). The art wasn't as good as Mahnke, but I still enjoyed some parts.
  • JLA #70 - The Obsidian Age, Part II : "Revisionist History" = Holy dense batman! I was under the impression that the leaguers on the cover were our league transformed by magic or whatever; but no they are an actual primordial jla. I can see proto supes, Diana, and green lantern I think, but the big surprises were ancient Rama Khan and a newbaddie named Gamemnae. I loved Golden Perfect already, but the fact that it ties into this makes me very hyped to see him throw down with Diana. Not sure if the mysterious virus infecting batman is just ancient disease (but he should just have immunity since he's from the future?). Manitou Raven's internal monologue was dope, and I'm definitely feeling more sympathy for him, but lets be honest screw Tezumak. The final page reveal of Arthur was great.
  • JLA #71 - The Obsidian Age, Part III : "Transition" = I don't think I've ever had a storyline surpass my expectations like Obsidian Age. That last page reveal had my jaw drop. I'm loving the dynamic between [nu]League and the fact that they double shipped JLA with the past story issues drawn by Mahnke and the present by Guichet brings great contrast/pacing to the story, and the tension builds up in an exciting and engaging fashion. The dialogue is so clever, and the Zatanna reveal also got me good. Nightwing is the scene stealer of this issue, with the intro and his exchange with Jason Blood being the high points. SO excited for this next one.
  • JLA #72 - The Obsidian Age, Part IV : "History Is Written By..." = THIS IS BREAKING MY HEART AND MAKING ME SCREAM! So much revealed but so many questions! What the hell is up with green lantern! What the hell do the flies mean! What is going on with Batman's fever! The Batman-Kyle exchange was top, the league as manta-rays was top, and goddamn Kelly did everything in his power to make you hate the proto-league and Gamemnae. Justice for Mera!
  • JLA #73 - The Obsidian Age, Part V : "Last Call" = This was the epitome of "what the heck is going on" comics. We get a bit more on Faith, and her powers are pretty sketchy if you ask me, mainly because her selection for the backup JLA could have been because of her power influencing Bruce. Nightwing's writing was fun, definitely a side of his I've grown more accustomed to the more I read stuff he's in. Gamemnae's patchwork corpse body was horrifying (but the rough Guichet pencils helped and hurt it). I love how Kelly writes everybody as a dysfunctional team that actually ends up operating really well. They know they have to fill in big shoes, and they put aside the BS to show up and take names. Jason Blood is awesome, and I'm glad he saved my girl Zee, but the final reveal of Kyle's willpower ghost and the withered immortal Manitou was pretty wild. Who's heart is he holding! Let's jump into the next one!
  • JLA #74 - The Obsidian Age, Part VI : "Obsidian" = This chapter might have been my favorite alongside New Blood. The (not-so) final stand of the JLA vs Gamemnae's League was absolutely bonkers. I honestly did not even notice that Wally's legs had been ripped off until this issue, and I had to flip back to #72 just to make sure. Our heroes getting clapped sucked, and it was genuinely horrifying to see Kyle's heart get ripped out and the League's corpses put on pikes for display. J'onn's internal monologue was brilliant; I especially liked the idea that the Obsidian Age is a savage time, with civilizations resorting to primitive violence as more common reactions to "invaders". Manitou Raven steals this issue completely, and the final half of the story is pure comic kino. The Aquaman moment was awesome, and I wonder if there is a reason as to why Plastic Man is not in the ghost entourage. I'm so excited to see Gamemnae get shredded (hopefully).
  • JLA #75 - The Obsidian Age, Part VII : "Tragic Kingdom" = 54 pages of ancient mysticism, Atlantean lore, time travel shenanigans, and JLA taking names + saving the day. I got anxiety reading this. In an ideal world Doug Mahnke would have drawn all of it, but the art shifts worked when they worked, and kinda didn't when they didn't. The lore dumps were great, the time travel was fun but vague, especially when the two histories collided. I guess because of Hypertime, they will always have memories of the Obsidian Age, but it's definitely more of a "don't think too hard about it". At the end of the day, I would definitely let Manitou Raven rip out my heart to save my friends' souls too.
  • JLA #76 - "Picking Up The Pieces" = The epilogue was fantastic. Kelly nails these quiet transition issues, his dialogue is on a whole different level. He's not trying to impersonate or mimic any style, he's just so good at making the JLA people. The art was fine, but the John Stewart reveal was disgusting, he looks like he wants to consume my soul. The intro with the Plas dream sequence was fantastic as well, and the art actually looked a lot cleaner to me. J'onn stole this for me, and I'm sad to see him, Kyle, and Plas go. They were without a doubt the all-stars until this point.

Thursday, July 28, 2022


So here's something a little different.

I'm currently doing a huge reread of Pre-Flashpoint DC and I just decided to start doing issue by issue reviews of the books I read. The main reason I'm doing this is because I'm trying to avoid compartmentalization of what I consume, a huge side effect of binging media. This is essentially when you burn through a huge story and end up losing some of the substance and minor minutiae because you are more focused on the binge than actually noticing the masterful storytelling that the creators put so much effort in.

A huge problem with trade reading is that people forget that these stories are published monthly, and each chapter has its own themes, narrators, pacing, and unique poetry that writer's spend an immense time infusing into each issue. I sadly didn't do this for the first two storylines of Geoff Johns Flash, but I will be doing this for the rest. For now, this post will feature a short blurb I scrambled together before I got into volumes 3 & 4, but every write up is composed before I read the next issue, so enjoy my journey through these books!

Flash vol I & II = The "Wonderland" arc was very rough. I did not enjoy Angel Unzeuta's art and the story went on for too long. The Mirror-World lore was cool and Wally using the arsenal of silver age Green Lantern villains was kino, but the Grimm stuff was not as engaging. Vol 2 changed up the pace real quick with Scott Kolins excellent and kinetic art that is perfect for a flash book. The script was super tight and the Cicada cult was horrifying. The Weather Wizard two-parter was also fun and I forgot how much I liked Jesse Quick. The Iron Heights special was a lot more fun that I remembered. EVS was on point the entire time. Interested to see how the Pied Piper plot plays out.

[Flash vol III : Rogues]
  • The Flash: Our Worlds at War #1 - "Time on Target" = Black Racer special was fun, but the art brought it down for me. That final page was great.
  • The Flash Secret Files & Origins #3 - "Rogues" = The secret files special was fun, and I like the character of Zolomon, even though I know the endgame of how he turns out. His personality is easy to sympathize with, and his pathos is engaging.
  • The Flash #177 - "Event Horizon" = The black hole issue was not my favorite, nothing memorable whatsoever.
  • The Flash #178 - "Caged" = The Grodd chapter was fantastic. Scott Kolins on art was the standout, the pages where Wally confronts Grodd as well as the realization of the damage the battle caused keystone were brilliant. Johns developing the Goldface union is very interesting, the Rogues foreshadowing through line started in the first chapter is shown once more, and the Pied Piper plot is brough to the forefront. There are some hints with Grodd that he might have been manipulated.
  • The Flash #179 - "Smile for The Camera" = The Last Laugh tie-in was pretty cheeks, the Warden Wolfe bits were good, but I could care less about the jokerized crap.
  • The Flash #180 - "Peek-A-Boo" = The peek-a-boo chapter was fine, but its starting to get way too freak of the week. The twist at the end with Iris was unbelievable; I thought it was going to be Golden Glider or one of the rogues, but I never saw that coming.
  • The Flash #181 - "Fall Out" = The fallout chapter was very good. Goddamn rip Morillo, but that final page twist was great.
  • The Flash #182 - "Absolute Zero" = The Captain Cold issue was phenomenal; Johns really succeeds at bringing the chapters home with a final page that stays with you. Chillblaine has an iconic cameo during the RCDC special, and I'm sure Johns was the one who chose to include him in that.
[Flash Vol IV : Crossfire]
  • The Flash #183 - Crossfire, Prologue : "Tricked" = What a way to open up a volume! Axel Walker is a geek, very capable but I'm excited to see him get dunked on. The Network segment was cool, we still don't know much about Blacksmith, but the 15 years thing was interesting. Johns took out the rest of Flash's support system real quick: Vic got jumped, Chyre ambushed and shunted to the mirror-world. I'm very pissed about Morillo, that mess was uncalled for. The Joan Garrick stuff was hinted at during the fallout issue but I think that it's crazy that she actually got leukemia. There's no way that could have been machinations by the Rogues because it's way too coincidental.
  • DC First: Flash/Superman #1 - "Speeding Bullets" = Speeding Bullets was a great interlude, Abra Kadabra was a fun villain and his character has a lot to explore, his relationship to his time period and motivations are all fascinating. Jay Garrick is easily my second favorite flash after Wally.
  • The Flash #184 - Crossfire, Part I : "Room To Think" = Awesome first chapter : high stakes and big threats. I wonder how this will last for 5 chapters? There were some fantastic pages in this as well. Kolins was on goat mode for this book. The colors are fantastic.
  • The Flash #185 - Crossfire, Part II : "Hide & Seek" = Hide and seek was crazy, the Morillo resurrection was something I'm embarrassed to say I did not see coming. The Thinker stuff was cool, and that last page is iconic. Let's all be honest here, the mirror tech is BS. Very excited for Cold to join up with Morillo and Chyre.
  • The Flash #186 - Crossfire, Part III : "The Thinking Man" = So thinking man was where the actual crossfire happened: it was fun, but the standouts of this chapter were Chyre, Morillo, and Cold. Cold steals every scene he's in, and him putting out the fire on the Barry Allen statue was perfect. Cyborg talking about Wally was great, and the info dump on Goldface vs Blacksmith was cool too.
  • The Flash #187 - Crossfire, Part IV : "Run-Down" = Old Johns has so many ideas coming out of the pipeline, I can really understand why he's so burnt out these days. Showdown (run-down lol) in the mindscape had some great moments: Wally summoning his past selves and saying he's not afraid of death were awesome. Geoff also does a good job of using Flash's speed in realistic applications: Cyborg is about to get merked and Wally just speeds him to the McGees and goes back to showdown. Mirror Master is another scene stealer, and the mirror duplicates were dope. I'm hoping the Morillo regeneration power gets addressed and explained. The unveiling of the full Network army brings the stakes up and sets everything up for an action packed finale.
  • The Flash #188 - Crossfire, Part V : "Metal & Flesh" = The Magenta/Girder setup and punchline is kind of great if you think about it since they have been giving us a lot of prelude up until this chapter. The Chyre/Morillo/Zolomon stuff is always dope, flash rebuilding the bridge was awesome too. The Goldface redemption is stupid since he killed my boy Tomar-re during the 80's. Pregnancy reveal was going to come sooner or later.
  • The Flash #189 - "Messengers" = FILLER ISSUES WHERE A LOT HAPPENS! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT! Anyways, this was great. Rick Burchett's pencils were awesome and every check in had a great moment or two. I love the incorporation of Cyborg into this series, and I can't wait to see what johns does with Vic in the pages of Teen Titans. The Iris/Chyre stuff is going to be interesting knowing that Barry comes back in just 7 years! Zolomon is still goated, and its sad knowing his fall is coming soon. Who is Morillo's wife? That's the real question!
  • The Flash #190 - Rogue Files, The Pied Piper : "Rat Race" = I was worried about Justiniano's art, but I ended up quite liking it. Pied Piper's backstory was interesting, especially the fact that it was Will Magnus who restored/augmented his hearing with nanobots. The reintroduction of Heatwave was great; though it's a little jarring to see a lot of the Rogues on the straight and narrow at this point in time, but after Crossfire and the fact that they've changed post-Barry + dealing with a more sympathetic Wally makes for interesting character development. James Jesse trickster is cool and I can definitely tell they are sowing the seeds for the next arc, but I hope it has a distinct personality compared to Crossfire.
  • The Flash #191 - "The Brave & The Beaten" = Fun little team up with Hawkman. The Cliff/Grimm twist was interesting and made this story less random by actually having some buildup since Linda went back to med school. The stand-out sequence was Wally and Carter's interaction; I think this and GA's analysis of Carter (during the Slings & Arrows arc of Hawkman) is fascinating, and as I'm writing this I realize that the split personality of Carter - from super-aggro to warrior poet - definitely has to do with him getting merged with Katar Hol into the Hawkgod. Grodd foreshadowing, and I wonder what took the tranquilizers out of him or if he just telekinetically removed them.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022



  • DC Comics Presents #8 - "The Sixty Deaths Of Solomon Grundy"
  • DC Comics Presents #12 - "Winner Takes Metropolis"
  • Kamandi #51 - "The Next to the Last Boy on Earth!"
  • Starfire #6 - "Citadel Of Silence"
  • Starfire #7 - "Freedom Never Dies"
  • Weird War Tales #50 - "An Appointment With Destiny!"
  • Weird War Tales #60 - "Night Flight"
  • Weird War Tales #73 - "The Curse Of Zopyrus"


  • Justice League of America #139 - "The Ice Age Cometh!"
  • Justice League of America #140 - "No Man Escapes The Manhunters!"
  • Justice League of America #141 - "No World Escapes The Manhunters!"
  • Justice League of America #142 - "Return From Forever!"
  • Justice League of America #143 - "A Tale Of Two Satellites!"
  • Justice League of America #144 - "The Origin Of The Justice League - Minus One!"
  • Justice League of America #145 - "The Carnival Of Souls!"
  • Justice League of America #146 - "Inner Mission!"
  • Justice League of America #149 - "The Face Of The Star-Tsar!"
  • Justice League of America #150 - "The Key - Or Not The Key!"


  • Detective Comics #439 - "Night Of the Stalker!"
  • Detective Comics #469 - "...By Death's Eerie Light! : The Origin Of Doctor Phosphorus"
  • Detective Comics #470 - "The Master Plan Of Doctor Phosphorus!"
  • Detective Comics #471 - "The Dead Yet Live!"
  • Detective Comics #472 - "I Am The Batman!"
  • Detective Comics #473 - "The Malay Penguin"
  • Detective Comics #474 - "The Deadshot Ricochet"
  • Detective Comics #475 - "The Laughing Fish"
  • Detective Comics #476 - "Sign Of The Joker!"
  • Batman #311 - "Doctor Phosphorus Is Back!"


[Mister Miracle]
  • Mister Miracle #19 - "It's All In The Mine"
  • Mister Miracle #20 - "Eclipse"
  • Mister Miracle #20 - "Command Performance!"
  • Mister Miracle #20 - "Midnight Of The Gods!"
[Tales From Earth-One]
  • World's Finest #256 - "Prey Of The Harpies"
  • Madame Xanadu #1 - "Dance For Two Demons"
  • DC Comics Presents #88 - "Prophecy Of The Demon-Plague!"
  • Heroes Against Hunger #1 - "A Song Of Pain & Sorrow"


[The Will To Love!]
  • Green Lantern #188 - "Decent Exposure"
  • Green Lantern #189 - "Echoes"
  • Green Lantern #190 - "Time Out Of Mind! : Mind Out Of Time!"
  • Green Lantern #191 - "Macho!"
  • Green Lantern #192 - "First Star I See Tonight!"
  • Green Lantern #193 - "Dead Ringer"
[Lanterns In Crisis!]
  • Green Lantern #194 - "5"
  • Green Lantern #195 - "4"
  • Green Lantern #196 - "3"
  • Green Lantern #197 - "2"
  • Green Lantern #198 - "1 : 0"
  • Green Lantern #199 - "Ignition"
  • Green Lantern #200 - "Five Billion Years"
[Corps Reborn!]
  • The Green Lantern Corps #201 - "Setting Up Shop"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #202 - "Turf"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #203 - "The Diabolical Dr. Ub'x"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #204 - "Young & Innocent"
  • Secret Origins #7 - "Secret Origin Of Green Lantern"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #205 - "Bad Reputation!"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #206 - "In Deep!"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #207 - "Simple Minds!"
  • Tales Of The Green Lantern Corps Annual #2 - "Escapist Entertainment"
[Crimson Dawn!]
  • The Green Lantern Corps #208 - "Red Lantern"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #209 - "Red Alert!"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #210 - "See Red!"
[Love Kills]
  • The Green Lantern Corps #211 - "Pink Elephants"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #212 - "Fun Couples!"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #213 - "For Want Of A Male...!"
[Cogito, Ergo Sum]
  • The Green Lantern Corps #214 - "I Think, Therefore..."
  • The Green Lantern Corps #215 - "...I Am!"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #216 - "Secret Identities!"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #217 - "Inside Summer Skies"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #218 - "Inside Some Other Skies!"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #219 - "Inside Somatic Psyches"
  • Millennium #1 - "THE ARRIVAL : Over"
  • Millennium #2 - "THE SUMMONING : Under"
  • Millennium #3 - "THE GATHERING : Back"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #220 - "Sacred Identities!"
  • Millennium #4 - "THE CHOICE : Forth"
  • Millennium #5 - "THE TEACHING : In"
  • Millennium #6 - "THE DREAMING : Out"
  • Millennium #7 - "THE ASSAULT : Down"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #221 - "Diversions"
  • Millennium #8 - "THE ASCENSION : The Rising & Advancing Of Ten Spirits"
  • The New Guardians #1 - ""
  • The New Guardians #2 - "Blow In The Wind"
[Never The End]
  • The Green Lantern Corps #222 - "The Last Testament Of Sinestro!"
  • The Green Lantern Corps #223 - "The Last Testament Of The Green Lantern Corps!"


  • Congorilla #1 - "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep..."
  • Congorilla #2 - "I Pray the Lord My Soul to Take..."
  • Congorilla #3 - "...If I Should Die Before I Wake..."
  • Congorilla #4 - "I Pray the Lord My Soul to Take..."
[Legends Of The Dark Knight]
  • Legends Of The Dark Knight #109 - The Primal Riddle, Part I : "Nasty, Brutish, & Short!"
  • Legends Of The Dark Knight #110 - The Primal Riddle, Part II : "Perhaps Only Riddle That We Shrink From Giving Up!"
  • Legends Of The Dark Knight #111 - The Primal Riddle, Part III : "A Dumpster of Chèrées"
[The Brave & The Bold]
  • Batman Chronicles #19 - "Got A Date With An Angel"
  • Legends Of The DC Universe #26 - "The Fishy Laugh"
  • Legends Of The DC Universe #27 - "Reign Of The Joker!"
[Dark Detective]
  • Batman: Dark Detective #1 - "Some Enchanted Evening"
  • Batman: Dark Detective #2 - "You May See A Stranger"
  • Batman: Dark Detective #3 - "Two Faces Have I"
  • Batman: Dark Detective #4 - "Thriller"
  • Batman: Dark Detective #5 - "Everybody Dance Now"
  • Batman: Dark Detective #6 - "House"
[JLA : A Game Of Chance]
  • JLA Classified #22 - "Deal"
  • JLA Classified #23 - "Bet"
  • JLA Classified #24 - "Raise"
  • JLA Classified #25 - "All In!"
[JSA : Double Or Nothing]
  • JSA Classified #14 - "Fast Shuffle"
  • JSA Classified #15 - "Deal From The Bottom"
  • JSA Classified #16 - "Busted!"