Sunday, August 27, 2023

Ultimate Thor by Hickman Annotated

[Siege Of The Golden City]

Ultimate Thor #1 - "Do You Lack Faith Brother... Or Do You Believe?"

  • Into the storm! Ragnarok nears!
  • Visions and symbols! The lightning, the black sun. An army of frost giants invading Asgard.
  • Dead ravens. Who shot Balder with an arrow?
  • So the Braddocks have Thor captive, he's been writing down prophecy or poetry from the Edda.
  • Donald Blake comes to help him.
  • In 1939, Zemo uses Norn stones/Runes to open a Bifrost gate in Germany to summon Ice Giants, recruiting them to invade Asgard.
Ultimate Thor #2 - "Change Is Chaos"
  • Thor is a god because he remembers!
  • Asgard conquers Jotunheim and all is well. Odin reveals to Thor that Asgard cannot exist without him; that a small part of Odin exists in the city and even in the hammer Mjolnir.
  • Loki's mother Karnilla asks him to get the Norn Stones.
  • Back in 1939, Zemo is revealed to be Loki, who leads the army of giants across the Bifrost, where he kills Heimdall with a bow and arrow.
Ultimate Thor #3 - "Salt and No Spirit"
  • Just noticed that they haven't show Donald Blake's face yet!
  • Balder is killed by Loki!
  • Mammoth turns into an ice-fenris and kills Odin!
  • Loki is imprisoned in the world-tree, and it burns down!
  • Dead ravens shot by Loki.
  • Them drinking Heimdall's blood was morbid af.
Ultimate Thor #4 - "Bring The Thunder"
  • Donald Blake is revealed as a reincarnated Balder!
  • He reveals that Asgard will return, and Odin will return as well someday.
  • Thor agrees to join Europe's super-soldier initiative.
  • Fury attempts to recruit him, to no avail.
  • Helmut goes to the gate in Germany and frees Loki from the room with no doors, setting him up to wreak havoc during Ultimates 2.
  • Thor joins the Ultimates in the fight against the Hulk.

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