Sunday, April 7, 2024


[Planet Batman! ]

Batman Incorporated (Vol 1) #6 - "Nyktomorph"
  • Average Joes!
  • Nero Nykto, Night-Eye. Some kind of underworld consultant/PI.
  • Emoticon man!
  • Ellie working at Wayne Tower!
  • Bat-drones from The Return are finally ready!
  • Gordon deputized! We also see that city hall is still working against the Bats and Jim by proxy.
  • Ellipsis storytelling! Love it! Information withheld regarding Bruce's vision of the future, the true nature of Leviathan, and who will not survive...
  • Tim becomes leader of the Outsiders!
  • New President of Mtamba...
  • Fused with the Archivist presumably, Bruce caught glimpses of the endgame, the outline of the war against Leviathan.
  • Joker in Arkham after Batman & Robin Must Die!.
  • Create cloud of conspiracy to suppress any chance of exposing Bruce Wayne as Batman!
  • The use of chess continues from Batman & Robin.
  • Nightrunner!
  • Brainwashed child murder-drones of Leviathan!
  • Drugs & child trafficking: Paris/Marseille - Hong Kong - Melbourne...
  • Cassandra Cain, Black-Bat!
  • New Dark Ranger from Batman RIP! Swearing on the oath like Jiro and Dick Grayson!
  • Batwing David Zavimbe joins up with Spidra and Traktir from The Return!
  • A new Wingman given an opportunity to salvage a reputation, an identity only a mystery, someone who knows that Batman is Bruce...
  • Some say Batman died and came back as some kind of God...
  • Powers-That-Be, hands off of Bruce Wayne... Leviathan even controls the Average Joes!
  • Nero Nykto = Dark Knight! Batman is everywhere!
  • 500 Agents of Leviathan, the youngest only 18 months old...
  • Virus army, terror of crime, infiltrate, contaminate, destroy...
  • Leviathan spy satellite in orbit...
Batman Incorporated (Vol 1) #7 - "Medicine Soldiers"
  • "The Transparent World"
  • "Ghost in the Box"
  • "Digital Justice"
  • "Epilogue"
  • Lambasted to oblivion, this issue was honestly not as bad as I remember. Even at his 'worst', Morrison still puts out better content than most from the big two.
  • Investors come in to check out Internet 3.0, one of them turns out to be a trojan horse carrying a zombie virus to siphon the funds of the other investors.
  • Oracle and Bats kick his ass.
  • All of this is very much an inversion of how the Black Glove works, with the rich people instead being the targets with their sins being found out. Given our reveal it makes sense.
  • They find out that the money was to be laundered in the country where Leviathan first put down roots, Mtamba!
  • And Leviathan is none other than...
  • JEZEBEL JET! She survived Talia's Man-Bat commandos from Batman #681!
  • Also, Babs mentions getting emails from the Finishing School for Evil that Steph was assigned to in The Return. Mazes, webs, nets...

[Leviathan Rises!]

Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes! #1 - "School of Night"
Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes! #1 - "Leviathan Strikes!"
Batman Incorporated (Vol 2) #0 - "Brand Building"
  • Flashback to Batman #669!
  • The Window! The Bell! The Bat! Absolutely love this page.
  • The first truth of Batman! First presented in ROBW #6, now used here as an anchor for Batman Inc. Hopefully the New 52 won't derail this bad boy too much.
  • The Well, the Cave, the Omega Sanction, and the Vision!
  • We align the well Bruce fell into as a child, the Thogal cave of Nanda Parbat, the cave of Anthro from ROBW and Final Crisis, and the resurrection before fighting Hurt as one primer; fragments conjoined to form this warning.
  • Bruce pitches Batman Inc to the Wayne Board post B&R #16.
  • The snake Treadwell finally gets his comeuppance!
  • Batman recruits Knight and Squire as some of the first in Batman Inc. This takes place right after The Return.
  • Johnny Riley, the new Dark Ranger! Knight tests him out for Batman fitness check!
  • Bruce and Damian recruit Ravil, Batman of Russia! He dies in the first issue of N52 Batman & Robin unfortunately.
  • Musketeer passes on the mantle of Batman France to Nightrunner! He's also making a movie about the events of the Club of Heroes arc and Batman RIP into a movie called The Black Glove Strikes!
  • Apparently the OG Dark Ranger didn't bring Johnny to the island because he was afraid he would steal his thunder! That's why you got merc'd mate! Riley's the real deal!
  • Man-of-Bats and Raven Red unveil new Bat-Turbines to power air conditioning for the whole Lakota reservation!
  • Jiro is back! Batman Japan! He had team ups with the Super Young Team! And is going to bag Lolita Canary? He's also recruited now that his probationary period is up.
  • Gaucho survives! Flashback to #3, #4, #5, and even #6 before he fights the cultists in one single panel! He's also sold on the Batman Inc chicks from V2#1.
  • Dark Ranger and Bats innovate the double punch into double throw!
  • Johnny and Beryl ship...

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